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152 Result
Subject :
Chapter :
Biologi Sel dan Organisasi Sel

Dr. Ali Ridha
Blood Composition

Ms. Mariam binti zainal abidin
Component of Animal Cells

Li Ying
Homeostasis and the Human Urinary System

Ms. Narmatha Rajamogun
Support and Movement in Humans and Animals

Ms. Narmatha Rajamogun
Sexual Reproduction, Development and Growth in Humans and Animals

Ms. Narmatha Rajamogun
Medical Issues Related to the Human Respiratory System

Ms. Mariam binti zainal abidin
Nutrisi dan Sistem Pencernaan Manusia

Ms. Narmatha Rajamogun
Pembahagian Sel

Ms. Narmatha Rajamogun
Komposisi Kimia dalam Sel

Ms. Narmatha Rajamogun
Pergerakan Bahan Merentasi Membran Plasma

Ms. Narmatha Rajamogun
Cell Biology and Organisation

Ms. Narmatha Rajamogun
Pengenalan kepada Biologi dan Peraturan Makmal

Ms. Narmatha Rajamogun

Ms. Mariam binti zainal abidin
Transport in Humans and Animals

Ms. Nur Asfariena Tupah
Movement of Substance Across a Plasma Membrane

Ms. Nur Asfariena Tupah
Introduction to Biology and Laboratory Rules

Ms. Nur Asfariena Tupah
Trial 2020 Topical - Nutrition and the Human Digestive System

Encik Muhammad Fareez bin Yusran
Metabolism and Enzymes

Ms. Nur Asfariena Tupah
Chemical Compositions in a Cell

Ms. Nur Asfariena Tupah