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211 Result
Subject :
Metabolism and Enzymes

Ms. Nur Asfariena Tupah
Chemical Compositions in a Cell

Ms. Nur Asfariena Tupah
Coordination and Response in Humans

Ms. Nur Asfariena Tupah
Immunity in Humans

Ms. Nur Asfariena Tupah
Nutrition and the Human Digestive System

Ms. Nur Asfariena Tupah
Support and Movement in Humans and Animals

Ms. Nur Asfariena Tupah
Homeostasis and the Human Urinary System

Ms. Nur Asfariena Tupah
Penyerapan dan Asimilasi Hasil Pencernaan Makanan

Ms. Mariam binti zainal abidin
Sexual Reproduction, Development and Growth in Humans and Animals

Ms. Nur Asfariena Tupah

Ms. Nur Asfariena Tupah
Organisation of Plant Tissues and Growth

Ms. Nur Asfariena Tupah
Leaf Structure and Function

Ms. Nur Asfariena Tupah
Nutrition in Plants

Ms. Nur Asfariena Tupah
Mind Test - Introduction to Biology and Laboratory Rules

Encik Muhammad Fareez bin Yusran
Mind Test - Types of Respiratory System, Mechanisms of Breathing

Encik Muhammad Fareez bin Yusran
Trial 2020 Topical - Respiratory Systems in Humans and Animals

Encik Muhammad Fareez bin Yusran
Structure of Human Blood Vessels and Heart

Ms. Mariam binti zainal abidin
Trial 2020 Topical - Cellular Respiration

Encik Muhammad Fareez bin Yusran
Trial 2020 Topical - Cell Biology and Organisation

Encik Muhammad Fareez bin Yusran
Composition of Human Blood

Ms. Mariam binti zainal abidin