Royalty calculation is base on pages learned by Osem App time the current rate. The more students learn your notes or questions, the more royalty you earn.
Royalty = Total pages learned X royalty rate
- Total pages learned Unique pages learned by student in Osem App. Unique pages means it is calculated only one(1) time on the day by the student. If the student learns the pages many times on the same day, it will only consider 1 time.
- Royalty rate Rate for one(1) lesson to be paid. Current rate is RM0.008 and this rate could be changed by time.
- You have published 30 lessons with 10 pages each
- Your total pages is 300 pages
- Assume you have 100 students, and all of them learns all 300 pages only one(1) time this week, so there will be 30,000 pages learned.
- Royalty this week = 30,000 X RM0.008 = RM240.00 (only 1 week)
- With the same total number of lessons, but you have higher follower for example 1000. This will get RM2400.
- You just imagine if you have 1000 followers, and all these followers getting notification every time you published lesson. And all of them start learning your lesson, so you might get RM2400.
- Imagine your students really love your quality lesson and they start sharing among their friends and relatives until it will spread to the whole Malaysia… You guess how much your royalty will be????? 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑